HolidayInnOn a commercial level the brand is one of the most important assets that big companies own, and on behalf of caring for this heritage, each company strives especially in their care, specially knowing that it will be passed on to their customers, through different external media, digital, audio and others.

For this reason, extensive and detailed image manuals exist that describe the image step by step and how to make proper use of these logos and slogans, taking care of every detail in shape, size, and color distribution, as a whole it is responsible for transmitting customer promise value of each organization.

The list is extensive on the combinations of colors, shapes and sizes (brands) that generate many feelings in consumers, many who come to love and care for them, these brands have managed to cross the barrier of the visual and other senses of human senses.

The impact is so profound that many of our cities owe their beauty to millions of signs displayed along and breadth of its streets, all colored in different shades, with different intensities, many forms, occupying even unthinkable spaces, and a shower of words that distract city dwellers in their daily traffic, is part of those benefits brands bring to our society.

When you manage to find a balance, which ultimately is the secret of success of a brand, between forms and colors and the streets of a city, the impact on people is achieved, it covers additional aspects that are not intended to achieve; Brands rejoice our days, every day, so “your brand does matter”